Upper Body Placement and
Port de Bras Secrets
Solutions and Strategies for
Common Challenges in Dancers
What does it Take to have your Students go from the
Earliest Lessons to Artistic Mastery?
Proper Training that includes:
Functional Anatomy Information and Imagery
You have some missing pieces if you are continually reminding students:
- To keep shoulders down
- To open the shoulders
- To widen the shoulder blades
Anatomical Knowledge
Without understanding the brilliant design of the upper body, many cues for good function ultimately confuse and introduce tension. Simply asking students to open their chests and widen their shoulder blades is not enough, and is in fact, contradictory cuing. Suggestions on where best to direct movement initiation will relieve many of the patterns of tension that are so common in the pursuit of the balance between stability and mobility.
Discovery Activities
Did you know your shoulder girdle is full of amazing capacity for rotation AND functions best when we allow a degree of rotation to be part of ALL our movements.
Discover the relationship between the spiralling clavicle movement and the linked scapular movement, necessary to "keep the shoulders down."
Explore how each finger relates to the full function of the shoulder girdle.
Application to Ballet
How does thinking of your 3rd finger help keep your shoulders open for 3rd Arabesque instead of the common narrowing? And how does feeling your pinky finger stabilize you in 1st Arabesque instead of the all to common holding your breath?
All of these types of applications will be shared saving you and your students years of frustration and constant corrections that prevent the focus on developing artistry and expression.
Your Instructor: Mariah-Jane Thies
Mariah-Jane had been teaching for 38 years with a speciality in ballet and modern dance. She has trained extensively in additional areas in order to deepen her knowledge, including The Franklin Method, Brain Gym, Reflex Integration and Bartenieff/Laban and Body-Mind Centering.
Mariah-Jane is skilled and creative at pulling all these many threads into cohesive training principles for dance teachers to use with students of all ages.
Here's some of the things you will learn:
How the clavicle spins when the arm lifts
What the shoulder blades really need to do to keep the shoulders down, especially when lifting the arm
How awareness of the finger tips will stabilize the entire shoulder girdle
How to ensure good function by activation of the rhomboids
Ready to Take the Leap and Purchase?
Take a moment to Click on the $137 Offer to see the 4 Hour Foot Workshop Information and
see if you want to enjoy the special offer of purchasing both together.
Click on Link below for more detailed info on the Foot Workshop.