Integrated, Embodied and Expressive

Workshops and Seminars for Teachers


Workshops Currently Available Online


The Brain Dance

Preschool Students

By returning to our most foundational movement patterns, we can help to secure and fill in the gaps and complete the wiring that is so essential. 

For Teachers: Make yourself highly employable.

For Studio Owners: It is GREAT Marketing for yor studio to have that added element for the preschool market.  Let parents be secure in the decision to send their child to your studio.

In Class Benefits Include:

  • Enhanced Engagement in Class
  • Increased Focus & Concentration
  • Accelerate Coordination Development
  • Easier Learning & Cooperation
  • This workshop will have you understanding the basic patterns and how to do in a little "dance" for young students. Numerous variations will be shown that you can use for themes and holidays, along with adapting to different concepts.

Understanding the Dual Nature of your Feet: Foundation and Propulsion

This workshop will explore the design of the foot and how to fully mobilize the foot for increased function.  Understanding the construction of the arches, along with the development of the arches will then give us the natural springboard created by pronation and supination. 

Assessment of various key movements and steps will help to apply the new knowledge, such as in glissade, travelling waltz and pas de basque. 

Understanding Upper Body Placement and Ports de Bras Secrets

How do you get students to have open shoulders and flat shoulder blades?  How do you get students to keep the shoulders down when the arms go up?  And most importantly, how do you actually teach expressive ports de bras.

All that and more will be delved into in this workshop, with unique solutions drawn from sources such as Body-Mind Centering. 


Workshops Available Upon Request for Online or In Person


Introduction to The Diamond Method:

Shine Under Pressure

This unique workshop draws from the world of Brain Gym, energy work and applied kinesiology.  It is absolutely possible to have the pressure of performance increase abilities, just like pressure creates a diamond!

How to work with students on developing these strategies for pre-performance for an audition, exam or competition will be the focus.

All The Tools Busting Posture Myths & Clearing Up Confusions

Understanding posture is so essential to good development of technique, efficiency and longevity.  Many students work on static posture and struggle to relate it to dynamic posture.  While posture is complex, it is really only complex because of the confusion between static and dynamic.  By embracing how the spine and pelvis work together, along with breathing, dancers can find the freedom given by good posture, instead of the common restrictions that posture seems to place on movement when misunderstood.

Maximizing Turn-Out Potential in Your Students

Once you understand the many ways that students block their turn-out via misunderstandings and movement habits, you can then address activation of the turn-out.  Generally however, working to increase turn-out leads to blocks being created because of the order of the priorities teachers layer onto students. 

Students may have a lot more turn-out then initially believed when flow and dynamic changes are returned to the hip socket.  Maintaining healthy turn-out is all about allowing for change within the hip socket. 


FREE Workshop Available Online NOW


Creating Effective Imagery

In this 2 hour workshop, you will be guided in ways that help to tap your well of creativity.  You will receive easy follow tools that can be implemented as often as needed and for many different purposes.

You will be a well spring of ideas AND know how to use them while actively teaching.

This workshop is best taken AFTER taking the FREE Mini-Course.

Intro to Imagery: Focus on Posture and Turn-Out