Radiant Dance Teacher Certification Programme

Will this be You in the near future?
Be a Part of Creating the Future of Dance Training
Become a Certified Radiant Dance Teacher
The future of dance training will be based on understanding and using methods that utilize this depth of understanding of the whole person.
Dance Training will encompass more than just training the body.
Understanding of the application of brain science to how people learn best will inform the new teaching methods.
Learning how to adapt to reach the person before you will be how all teachers will be trained.
You have to Reach if you want to Teach.

How Certification Works
If you do not wish to become certified, you can simply take whatever course you wish, based on your areas of interest.
However, if you do wish to be certified there is a bundle of courses required for each level and in each of 3 categories that define the principles of a Radiant Dance Teacher.
The 3 Pillars of The Radiant Dance Teacher are:
- Integration
- Embodiment
- Expression
Each pillar has a variety of courses that teach skills and strategies to implement this work in your teaching practice.
Each level layers upon the next, and the levels have been designed to enhance linear progress despite the overlapping of all the skills.
Certification Requirements:
- Apply to become certified by completing the form below
- Receive approval to join the programme
- Make payment/payment plans for the course bundle (discounted from taking each course without being on the certification programme)
- Complete the course bundle
- Take the courses individually or concurrently
- The order is your choice, however there is a suggested order that is shared upon approval and in your private zoom meeting
- Join and participate in the cohort groups that will meet once a month for Q and A
Following Course Completion:
Upon completion of each level's required courses, you will receive certification in this level AFTER submitting several more steps to illustrate the acquisition of the new knowledge.
- Submit and receive feedback on 2 classes demonstrated utilization of these methods.
- Complete an interview style quiz responding to questions and offering solutions
- Submit several essay style questions that demonstrate reflection on own teaching practice and how the Radiant Dance Teacher methodology has impacted your teaching

Why Choose to Become Certified?
The dance industry is so unregulated that is it of concern for many dancers, parents and studio owners.
By embarking on a certification programme you are demonstrating to prospective employers and families that you are serious about elevating your dance training using the latest methods based in science.
Negotiating for a wage commensurate with certifications will yield a higher teaching wage, much like an RAD registered or PBT certified teacher can and should be rewarded financially for their dedication to the studies.
So, if you are required to participate in yearly CPD or simply love to learn, why not, do so on a track that will move you step by step closer to a certification?
And with bundle pricing, you will save money too!
3 Level Structure
Level I
The Diamond Method: Shine Under Pressure
Foundations of Brain State/The Missing Link in Dance Training: Brain Integration
Real Learning Environment
Backstage Strategies
Grow Up SmART:
Brain Dance Foundations
Body Detective System
Port de Bras
Dual Nature of Feet
Creating Effective Imagery
Intro to Imagery: Focus on Turn-out and Posture
Embracing Movement Diversity
Take the course AND write a 500 word reflection on your movement biases and how these may be playing out in your dance teaching
View the TED talk, "Your Movement Habits Create Your Life" and write a 500 word reflection on your movement diversity history
Level II
The Diamond Method: Magical Movements
PLEASING Learning Environment in Depth
Workshop per each element: How to Assess and Introduce
Recital Readiness Secrets
Grow Up SmART
Brain Dance Progressions
Body Detective System:
Spine and Pelvis
3D Movement (iIncluding Brain Gym New Zealand) workshop
Touch in Dance Education
Tactile Series
Safe and Effective Hands-On
Creating Effective Imagery
Fall and Winter Imagery Courses
Embracing Movement Diversity: Laban section in the Brain Dance Progressions Course
Cultivating Community as the Container for Expression
Level III
Integrative Language Foundations
Draw Out vs Pour In Workshop & Mini-Course
Progressions Creation
Grow Up SmART
Brain Dance Advanced Strategies
Intro to Reflexes
Body Detective System:
The Knee and Ankle
Flow, Fluidity and Fascia
JV with BMC
Touch in Dance Education
Touch for Health for Dancers/Applied Kinesiology
Intro to Injury Release Method
Creating Effective imagery
Spring and Summer Mini-Courses
Holidays: Valentine’s, Easter
Embracing Movement Diversity:
Dynamics and Choreography
Embracing and Developing Uniqueness
Teacher Trainee Programme
As much as I want to travel and teach, I know I cannot do it alone. I believe so strongly that the principles, strategies and methods of The Radiant Dance Teacher need to be shared worldwide, there will be the opportunity for interested teachers to become certified to train and certify other teachers.
If after going through all 3 levels, you wish to be a Teacher Trainer, please reach out for an interview.
Interested in the Certification Programme
Please fill in the form below!