Integrated, Embodied and Expressive

In Person Booking Menu


Menu Items for Everyone


Everyone can book a private session for a variety of assistance.

  • Injury Release Method
  • Reflex Integration Session
  • Diamond Method Session
  • Technique Assessment linked to Chronic Injuries
Injury Release Method

Opportunities for Dance Teachers


The selections are for all dance genres, although all can be tailored to a more specific genre if requested and matching Mariah-Jane's specialities of ballet, modern and musical theatre/stage.   

1 on 1:
  • Coaching on specific challenges
  • Feedback/Mentor with Observation of Classes
  • Working with a Student with Teacher Observation
  • Student Masterclasses with Teacher Observation and Q and A/discussion after class(es)
  • Polishing Choreography with Teacher Observation
  • Group Mastermind: Bring your Biggest Concerns
  • Workshops
  • Seminars
Teacher Workshops and Seminars

Opportunities for Dance Students


Mariah-Jane's speciality is ballet, modern and musical theatre for the guest teaching. 

1 on 1
  • Private Sessions/Coaching for Technique/Polishing Choreography
  • Privates to source out problematic kinetic chains/inefficiencies and any chronic pains ie. Why do my knees always hurt?
  • Privates to assess readiness for pointe work
  • **Some privates can include parent observation if it is in the best interest of the student

Semi Privates for Specific Challenges

  • Hyperextended Knees
  • Fallen Arches
  • Restricted Turn-Out
  • Pelvic Placement Challenges
  • Masterclasses
  • Group Choreography Polishing and Feedback
  • Workshops
  • Seminars


Menu for Studio Owners


Private 1 on 1 Support for the challenges of studio ownership, including creating a plan

Faculty Mastermind: Bring your Biggest Concerns

Studio Feedback/Mentoring: After observing classes and choreography. 


Menu for Parents

1 on 1
  • Support for Parents with and without Child present
  • Seminars
  • Workshops

Topics to support dancers, teachers and studio owner

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Help for Planning an In Person Booking

Want some help with visualizing what an in person booking at your studio could look like?

Have a look at the sample bookings below, especially the length of visit you will be able to arrange.

Please note, that bookings during summer weeks are not always available as they are quite limited.   Consider how a guest teacher can be utilized during the regular season, such as combining several classes in an evening to have a guest class instead of their regular class. 

Teachers and parents are invited to observe, with additional payment depending on what they are observing. 


Sample Booking A: Weekend


Here is a sample schedule for a weekend of bookings. 



10-12  Masterclass for Ballet Students age 9-12

12-1 Lunch Break

1-3 Masterclass for Ballet Students age 13 +

3-4 Choreography Polishing/Coaching for Competitive Ballet Group

4-5 Semi-private for Students with Hyperextended Knees

5-5:30 Private Injury Release Method

5:30-6 Private Injury Release Method



9-9:30 Private Injury Release Method

9:30-12 Teachers Workshop

Topic: Understanding the Dual Nature of the Feet

12-1 Lunch

1-3:30  Teachers Workshop

The Diamond Method Backstage Strategies

3:30-5:30 Parent Workshop

How to Be a GREAT Competition Parent

5:30-6 Private Coaching for a Solo

6-6:30 Privater Coaching for a Solo


Sample Booking B: Monday to Friday


Here is a sample for a Monday-Friday booking during a regular teaching week



10-2 Teacher's Workshop

Topic: The Diamond Method, Part 1

2-2:30 Private Injury Release Method

4-5:30 Guest Teaching, in place of regular class

5:30-7 Guest Teaching, in place of regular class



10-2 Teachers Workshop, The Diamond Method, Part 2

2-2:30 1 on 1 coaching with a teacher

3-3:30 Private coaching/polishing a solo

3:30-4 Private coaching/polishing a solo

7-9 Adult Workshop (dancers and non-dancers)

Topics: Relax, Release and Re-set Your Neck and Shoulders



1-3 Teachers Mastermind/Q and A

3-4 Semi-Private for Students with Hyperextended Knees

4-6 Guest Teaching, in place of regular class with teacher observation

7-9 Adult Workshop (dancers and non-dancers) 

Topic: Get Happy Feet



10-2 Teachers Workshop

The Brain Dance Part 1

2-3 Private Coaching for Teachers

3-4 Reflex Integration Private Session

5-6 Parent Workshop

Pre-Pointe Readiness

7-9 Teacher Observation



11-2 Teacher Workshop

The Brain Dance Part 2

2-3 Teacher Feedback

3:30-4 Injury Release Private

4-5 Guest Teach a Creative Movement Class to demonstrate The Brain Dance with Students

5-7 Student Workshop

Topic: Upper Body Placement and Port de Bras Secrets


Sample Booking C: Summer Intensive


Here is a sample booking for a week long summer intensive. 



9-10:30  Ballet Masterclass, age 10-12

10:30-12:30 Ballet Masterclass, age 13 +

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Student Workshop

Understanding the Dual Nature of the Feet

3:30-5 Private Sessions



1:30-3 Ballet Masterclass, ages 7-9

3-5 Student Workshop

Spatial Clarity for Enhanced Form and Function

5-6 Private Sessions

7-9 Teacher Workshop

Topic: Creating a REAL Learning Environment



9-10:30  Ballet Masterclass, age 10-12

10:30-12:30 Ballet Masterclass, age 13 +

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Student Workshop

Busting Posture Myths and Cleaning Up Confusions

3:30-5 Private Sessions



1:30-3 Ballet Masterclass, ages 7-9

3-5 Student Workshop

Upper Body Placement and Port de Bras Secrets

5-6 Private Sessions

7-9 Teacher Workshop

The Diamond Method, Part 1



9-10:30  Ballet Masterclass, age 10-12

10:30-12:30 Ballet Masterclass, age 13 +

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Student Workshop

Maximizing Turn-Out Potential

3:30-5 Private Sessions



9-5 Brain Dance Workshop

Host studio drawing teachers from the area



9-5 Private Sessions for Teachers and Students

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