Bring the Power of Imagery into your Classes
New skills for less experienced teachers.
A wonderful refresh for experienced teachers.

The Benefits of Using Imagery

If a picture is worth a 1000 words, so is a good image. This saves very valuable teaching time allowing for more time spent dancing and not explaining.

Full body dancing is often our goal for our students, and a well crafted full body image will do this highly effectively, as can a body part specific image whenever necessary.

Taking the time to develop, with student co-creation, and share an image draws students in. Imagery is highly engaging and increases the focus of dancers of all ages.

Having fun is highly energizing for all. Therefore the use of playing with a concept with a funny or unique image sparks and brings energy to the studio environment.

Everyone has a unique response to specific imagery, and sharing this engenders greater empathy as we all realize we respond differently based on our experiences.

By engaging the various senses of the dancer with various types of images, greater ease of embodiment is highly likely for students of all ages, abilities and experience level.

Words do not Teach. Experience Does
However, well-crafted images, combine the power of descriptive and evocative language with movement experiences to create the opportunity for embodiment experiences that have the power to spark deep and long lasting learning.
What will I get out of this Imagery Mini-Course?
There are 2 Parts to this Mini-Course:
Fall/Autumn Based Imagery
Halloween Themed Imagery
Save years of your own development and creations by diving into what has
already been created and ready for you!
Concepts in Fall/Autumn
- Sourcing and Developing Descriptive Language
- Fall Leaves: Graduation and Change
- Teamwork Concepts
- Concepts of bringing together: Body, Space & Music
- Difference between Inner and Outer creation
- Nature as Inspiration
Concepts in Halloween
- Value of Using Contrasts in Imagery
- Tapping into the Senses with Imagery
- Developing Movement Dynamic
- Performance Skills and Releasing Your Inner Light
- Directing Energy Lines
- Why children like to be scared or grossed out sometimes
A few short Video Samples for you to Enjoy
These videos are about 10 minutes total out of 180 minutes of content!
So, if you like what you see, you will feel that this course is of great value!