Christmas Theme Based
Pedagogy & Imagery Mini-Course
Add the Magic of Christmas and the Fun of Imagery
into your Dance Classes.
Your students will love you for it!
Yes! I'm Ready to Add the Magic of Christmas to my Classes

100 + Images
Ready made and ready to use right away with students of all ages. The course includes dozens of full colour Printable PDF's.

Pedagogical Ideas
Use Imagery to help teach and explain teaching concepts to your students, including mindset, perspective and focus.

Digestible Content
Over 2 hours of video content divided into smaller chunks for easy digestion and making it easy to return for reminders.
Features of the Mini-Course
Artistic Director of
The Radiant Dance Teacher:
Mariah-Jane Thies
Mariah-Jane has 37 years experience as a dance teacher, including 10 years as a studio owner. She is an RAD Registered teacher, mentor and supervisor as well as a certified Evans Laban based modern teacher.
She loves creating and working with imagery and linking up great learning, functional anatomy and creativity.
Mariah-Jane draws on decades of training in Laban and anatomy and most recently, Franklin Method training.

Family and Friends
Family can mean many things, different for everyone, including your "Dance Family". Imagery about connections and warmth abound!

Presents and Gift Giving
The fun of a your Presence being a Present is explored along with plenty of other gift (giving and receiving) related imagery.

Holiday Emotions
Anticipation, Joy and Excitement are but a few emotions that can be tapped into for deeper authentic embodiment in class and on stage.

Christmas Contrasts
Exploring the element of Space and the difference between Direct and Multi-Focus of the eyes is done with numerous images.

Santa and Friends
The Big Guy and his Reindeer friends, and Elf associates are great fodder for fun and effective images for kids of all ages.

Christmas Baking
From rolling out the yummy dough, using a cookie cutter and doing the icing, there are many delicious baking themed images.

Nutcracker Ballet
The magic of this iconic holiday ballet, and it's many varied roles is an easy spark for great dynamics based imagery.

Christmas Decorations
Christmas lights, ornaments and wreaths give endless ideas for imagery that can assist with strong/light energy and eye focus.

Basic Technique
Pirouettes and turn-out, along with imagery for a variety of jumps is shared with sparks for additional imagery creation.